Winter Offerings

Hygge. Pretty sure I'm pronouncing it wrong but doing it right. The snow it falling thickly outside. I'm wrapped up in a wool sweater and cozy blanket, sipping some hot tea, and when I'm done on the computer I will be turning to my book and knitting basket.

I admire people who get outside for real winter activities, you know, ice skating, sledding, broom ball, but this is about as active as my winter gets. It's cozy, my feet stay dry, why mess with something that works? 

I have a few winter offerings for you my gentle readers. The first two are for everyone, and the second two are just for local ladies I'm afraid. 

First, a playlist to aid and inspire the spirit of Hygge. During the roughest weeks of my morning sickness I was so out of it I wasn't even listening to music. A couple of weeks ago I started putting some playlists on again while I was hanging out with the kids or working in the kitchen. I was so pleasantly surprised by how having good music on in the background lifted the mood! Just because it's dark and dreary outside doesn't mean it has to be inside!

Second, did you know that Lent starts in less than 5 weeks? I know, it doesn't seem possible. We literally just took our Christmas tree down. But it's coming up, and I have found that when I plan ahead for my liturgical seasons, even a little bit, I enjoy them so much more. For Advent this was as simple as knowing where my Advent wreath and candles were before the first Sunday of Advent, and having my BIS Advent journal in my possession and ready to go. For lent I plan to have a couple charitable organizations picked out to practice some alms giving, and of course, I will have my Blessed is She Lenten She Who Believed Journal to be my daily companion.

I am thrilled that Laura Kelly Fanucci is back writing the Lenten journal. During this Lent we will be looking at different women in scripture and what they can teach us about prayer. I am excited to learn some new things, especially about some of the lesser known characters. Be sure to get yours early before they sell out! Or, grab the whole 2018 Lent Bundle

There are all sorts of other new products available in the Blessed is She Shop, I'm not going to mention them all, but I will mention The Catholic Journaling Bible. It's been a long time coming and has been wildly popular. I have one and it is beautiful. I know it is something I will use for the rest of my life. For everything else just go take a look. And if you kindly use any of the links in this post I will get a small kick back as an affiliate. Thanks! 

Also, have you heard that there is going to be a Blessed is Retreat in the Twin Cities? Are you jumping up and down with excitement? The Wild Retreat is coming to St. Paul on August 11. Tickets are on sale now! I have never been to a Blessed is She retreat, so I am really looking forward to finally experiencing one for myself. 

Finally, for those who are local to the Twin Cities, I will be teaching a knitting class on February 24th through a very cool project that my friend Cara is spearheading. It's called The Dorothy Exchange, and it's a women's skillshare. This is the third class that she has organized. The first two were great successes and I'm so excited to be able to be involved in this one and pass on my love for knitting. For details on where and how to register you can check out Cara's post on the class. Spaces are limited, so register soon if you'd like a spot! I hope to see you there!
