End of Summer Playlist

The transition from summer to fall is, I think, my very favorite time of year. I'm not really ready for cold weather yet. I'm going to savor every minute of warm sunshine that we have left and be outside as much as possible. But, I'm also kind of loving how cold it gets overnight, and how cool it is in the mornings. That little nip in the air makes my coffee taste better, and it makes me feel more productive, like it's time to get stuff done. Which is good, because we are back to school now and need to adhere to more of a schedule.  

Here is a playlist I made a few weeks ago. It's got some songs I've loved for a while and some songs that I've only recently discovered. They all make me feel a little bittersweet and nostalgic which is why I think they're appropriate for this time of year. I hope you can enjoy them while driving kids around, or baking pies, or sitting outside and drinking in these last beautiful days of summer. Cheers!