A girl! I knew it was a girl, just like I knew with Johnny it was a boy.
Well, it wasn't just like with Johnny. With Johnny I had a dream I was having a boy, and after that I just had a very strong sense that it was a boy. With this one there was no dream, but everything felt different, not the symptoms really, but me. I felt different. And I just had a feeling it was a girl. My sister actually had a dream it was a girl this time around. So now we are both feeling very clairvoyant.
The ultrasound tech got a face shot of little baby girl. She said cute. I said creepy.
But I also know that girls can be resilient, and confident. They can be shaped by the Holy Spirit and not by the world. They can see themselves through the eyes of God and not through the eyes of pop culture. They can be leaders, and not followers. This is what I want for my girl. And this is what we will pray for, as well and wisdom in parenting.
Feet! That's better than the face shot.
keep in touch!