One of the reason I love living in Minnesota is that we really do experience ALL 4 seasons. (Que Vivaldi!) Our summers are humid and with highs pushing 100. Our winters have us snowed in, and our furnaces working over time to fight off the -1, or -10, or -20 lows. And between these two extremes we have the most wonderful springs and autumns with the deep greens of new growing grass, and the fiery reds and oranges of the fall foliage. I may not like every minute of every season, but I'm really glad I get to experience them all.
One of the reason I love being Catholic is that we get to experience all the seasons of the church year. There are the penitential season of advent and lent, the joyful seasons of Christmas and Easter (that's right, they last longer than just one day!), and there's the ordinary time, where we focus on growing in our faith. I am always looking for new ways to celebrate and participate in the different church season, whether it be finding a good book to read, going to talks or bible studies at my church, challenging myself to add more prayer time to my day, or give up something that I enjoy. Whatever I do, I always find that the more effort I put into participating in each season, the more I get out of it, and I grow more!
I'm so excited to use my journal to prepare my heart during advent, and I really want you to be able to do the same! So I'm giving one away! And I really hope YOU win! But if you don't, and you still want a journal, it's ok- you can order your own here!
Ok, go ahead and get your entries in!!! And tell all your friends!
I know if feels like Christmas is a hundred years away, but advent is just a few shorts weeks away. I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait until Christmas Eve to get ready for Christmas. I want to start on that very first Sunday of advent to quiet my heart, and make room in there for my Savior. Heck! That's what we should be doing all year around!
I've mentioned on here before that I've been writing devotionals with a beautiful group of women who make up Blessed Is She (subscribe if you haven't already). And some of those beautiful women have followed the nudging of the Holy Spirit to put together a journal for the season of advent. It has the scripture readings for each day, space to journal or doodle, inspiring quotes and reflections, and most importantly, it will become a place for you to share YOUR HEART with the Lord as you prepare for Christmas.

I'm so excited to use my journal to prepare my heart during advent, and I really want you to be able to do the same! So I'm giving one away! And I really hope YOU win! But if you don't, and you still want a journal, it's ok- you can order your own here!
Ok, go ahead and get your entries in!!! And tell all your friends!