What makes a good movie? A great story line, or maybe a lovable hero, or beautiful cinematography? Sure, everyone loves a good hero, but for my dad, it's a good villain that makes a movie memorable. Especially in the old classics. The villains have so much character, and so many great lines to quote long after the movie has ended.
Lionel Barrymore plays Henry F. Potter in It's a Wonderful life- such a great villain with so many great lines. My family is constantly quoting him:
You like them? I'll send you a box.
Happy New Year to you! In jail!
You once called me a warped, frustrated, old man! What are you but a warped, frustrated young man?
No securities, no stocks, no bonds, nothin' but a miserable little $500 equity in a
life insurance policy. You're worth more dead than alive!
My dad's all time favorite villain is Edward G. Robinson. The Villain to end all villains
Johnny Rocco in Key Largo, or Dathan in The Ten Commandments, he's always a gangster, always a thug, always wonderful. I feel sort of bad that he always got cast as bad guy and worried that maybe he had some terrible complex because of it, but my dad has assured me that he was actually a very pleasant man in real life.
I have been watching Gilmore Girls lately (thank you Netflix!) and have been thinking that Emily Gilmore is to me what those other villains are to my dad. They're evil, they're always they source of discord, and you hate them. But they're also hilarious, and witty, and you can't help but love them.
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