Announcement: // N E W S E R I E S //

I believe that setting goals and working towards them is an important part of life.  Even though blogging is just something I do for fun/cathartic experience, taking part in this 7 posts in 7 days challenge has been really good for me. Some days I didn't feeling like writing anything, but by the time I hit "publish" I was really glad that I had. And the best part is that this challenge has given me the momentum I needed to start a project I have been thinking a lot about for a long time but have been to scared/lazy to pursue.

And so, without further ado, I give you my first series ever:

NICU Diaries

I think that everyone reading this probably knows that we spent 9 days in the NICU with Johnny after he was born.  It was, hands down, the hardest most awful 9 days of my life. But one of the things that gave me so much encouragement during those 9 days was hearing from other mothers who had been in the NICU with their own babies.  I think it's so important for mothers to encourage and support one another, because what we do is not easy.  I think it's especially important to encourage and support mothers who are going through extra difficult circumstances.  I believe that the Lord uses the difficult circumstances in our lives to help those around us. And I know that the Lord will and already has used our experience in the NICU with Johnny to encourage other mothers going through similar things. 

So with all these things in mind I am looking for mothers who have been the NICU, or special care untis, or had other hospitalizations with their babies to share their stories.  Not to relive or focus on hard times, but to encourage those who need encouraging, and to give a new perspective to those who have not had a child with health issues. I know that when Alex and I look back now on our NICU stay we are a little sad about everything Johnny has had to go through, but more than that we so thankful for the care he has received and so overjoyed at how well he is doing now! 

If you or someone you know is interested in sharing their story drop me a line: