We are sick. Again. We have all had terrible colds for over a week now and last night Johnny threw up. Earlier that evening he, Trixie and I had all been drinking from the same cup, so I'm bracing myself, waiting for the rest of us to get hit with whatever it is he's got. We have been sick SO MUCH this year. In fact, I cannot remember the last time that all four of us were healthy at the same time. I know it doesn't help that Johnny is in preschool. And it also doesn't help that Alex is in rotations and around sick people all day. But it seems like we just can't get on top of it. How do other people with kids in school manage to stay healthy despite them constantly bringing germs home?
Alex and I got to go to the wedding of one of his classmates a couple weekends ago. It was super fun. We don't go to many weddings anymore, and when we do we usually have our kids with us. It was a treat to dress up, go out, and leave the kids with the grandparents. I wore a dress that is NOT a nursing dress, something I haven't done in almost 4 years. Although, I definitely can still nurse in it. I know this because Trixie was awake when we got home and started crying and signing for milk the moment she saw me come in. There was no way she would have let me go change, so I quickly discovered the dress is stretchy enough for quick and easy access. Joy!
I didn't really make a New Year's resolution this year, but one thing I know I'd like to work on in twenty seventeen is to read more. I have been a lousy reader since finishing college, getting through just one or two books a year. I'm trying to do a little bit of reading every day, replacing time that I would normally look at my phone with a book, and that's been working really well.
Alex got me a Kindle for my birthday nearly 6 months ago and I'm just using it for the first time now! Not because I haven't been reading, I just had a few hard copies of some books I wanted to finish before downloading anything to my Kindle. But I made it through Gilead (so good, much crying) and now I am reading Brideshead Revisited on my Kindle! And you know what? I really like it! The book yes, but I'm talking about the Kindle. I love the romance of reading a paper version of a book, but a Kindle is really convenient, easy to hold with one hand (essential for nursing a baby) and I love being able to look up words so easily. I can just feel myself getting smarter.
Alex and I got to go to the wedding of one of his classmates a couple weekends ago. It was super fun. We don't go to many weddings anymore, and when we do we usually have our kids with us. It was a treat to dress up, go out, and leave the kids with the grandparents. I wore a dress that is NOT a nursing dress, something I haven't done in almost 4 years. Although, I definitely can still nurse in it. I know this because Trixie was awake when we got home and started crying and signing for milk the moment she saw me come in. There was no way she would have let me go change, so I quickly discovered the dress is stretchy enough for quick and easy access. Joy!
Lent starts on March first, which means two things. One: I better make sure I've got the last of the Christmas decorations put away by then and two: I better order my Blessed is She Lenten Journal. The title of this year's journal is
Put on Love, and it is written by Elizabeth Foss. If you did the Advent journal you know what a talented writer she is, and you experienced how the Holy Spirit uses her words to minister to others.
I got to help edit the Lenten journal. Spoiler: It's going to be awesome! My editing time was spent crying through a box of Kleenexes and left me feeling like I had just been in spiritual direction. You can order your copy now at an early bird discounted price. There's also other fun Lenten goodies, beautiful Stations of the Cross cards. the Put on love mug and print. Oh! And the tote bag! I cannot get over the tote bag! Go check it all out in the
Blessed is She Shop. Get something for your Easter basket.
I have sworn off starting any new knitting projects until I finish my Caramel Sweater, because I want to be able to actually wear it this winter. I decided to work on the sleeves before I finish the body, partly because sleeves are the worst and I have knitting them, and also because I need to make sure I allocate my yarn properly. The bottom third of the sleeves and body are going to be a mustard yellow. I love this color, but it doesn't really work with my skin, so I'm putting it far away from my face. I only have two skeins of it, so I have to plan carefully.
Or I could leave it like this. A one armed sweater, that might catch on, right?
Or I could leave it like this. A one armed sweater, that might catch on, right?
Alex got me a Kindle for my birthday nearly 6 months ago and I'm just using it for the first time now! Not because I haven't been reading, I just had a few hard copies of some books I wanted to finish before downloading anything to my Kindle. But I made it through Gilead (so good, much crying) and now I am reading Brideshead Revisited on my Kindle! And you know what? I really like it! The book yes, but I'm talking about the Kindle. I love the romance of reading a paper version of a book, but a Kindle is really convenient, easy to hold with one hand (essential for nursing a baby) and I love being able to look up words so easily. I can just feel myself getting smarter.
It's time for a little "What We Are Watching" update.
We are re-watching Parks and Recreation. It's been a couple of years and I either forgot how funny that show is, or I am more easily amused than I used to be. I have been laughing to the point of tears in almost every episode. I also have been getting very weepy at all the sweet moments. I've always been an easy crier, but motherhood has made me an absolute water works. Everything makes me cry, even Parks and Rec. We actually never finished that series so maybe we will get all the way to the end this time.
We're also watching the current season Madame Secretary, which I love. It has for me all the positive idealism, humor, and feel good moments of the West Wing, the show by which I judge all other shows. I also love the wardrobes.
Speaking of the West Wing, I have gotten all caught up on The West Wing Weekly podcast, so now I have wait each week for new episodes to come out. I know I am revealing how easy my life is when I say that it has been torturous. But, I have a new episode waiting for me that I intend to listen to this weekend while working on the second sleeve of my sweater.
What are you all watching, or what podcasts are you loving right now? Anything I should be aware of?
Both of my little cherubs have woken up from a much needed (and much deserved on my end) 2.5 hour nap. I have four baskets of clean laundry sitting on the floor, and as the piles grows it becomes more difficult to ignore. And Johnny is now attempting to change Trixie diaper. "Trixie, diaper, lay down. Lay down Trixie. Lay down please." So I better sign off and tend to my home-fires.
Go to Kelly's for more quick takes. And have an awesome weekend, friends!
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