linking up with Kelly for some Quick Takes!
It's Friday! YAY! We survived our first week of what will be our normal for the next 9 months, Alex in school, Johnny in school, and me teaching piano lessons. I was a little anxious about starting everything up again after having such a nice, long summer break. But the week actually went pretty smoothly, and, not surprising, I get a lot more done and feel better when my days have some structure and schedule to them.
Johnny's first day of school was a little rockier than I was anticipating. When he started at his DHH school last spring, and was away from us for the first time ever, it was a very hard transition. But after a couple weeks, he really started to love school, even asking for "shool" first thing every morning. I thought he would be so happy to back this fall, but he actually was very sad. There were lots of tears and hugs and kisses, and I felt like this all over again. Thankfully by day 3 he was fine at drop-off. I think this year is going to be really good for him.
If you follow me on Instagram you've probably noticed an increase in postings since Alex has been back in school. I guess I'm a little lonely without him. Thanks for keeping me company over there during the day.
Can we talk about the Stories feature on Instagram? When it was introduced I dismissed it with an eye roll and an indignant come on, Kevin. But guess who's hooked now? This moi!
I guess maybe this means I should be on snap chat? One thing at a time.
Over the summer one of Alex's sisters made me aware of the fact that my iPhone counts my steps! Who knew? Probably everyone else. Since I made this discovery I have been obsessed with counting my steps. It's been a really great addiction. Instead of putting off going upstairs to get something until I need to go up to put someone down for a nap, I just run right up, because, more steps!! And I've been going for a walk with the kids almost every day because, more steps!
(It was SO humid this week )
I have run into a little bit of a problem though. Most of the things I wear don't have pockets. Especially in the summer when I'm wearing a lot of dresses and skirts. If only there was some sort of clothing accessory that would allow me to carry stuff around with me when my outfits don't have pockets...
Also, I feel like if you're carrying 20 lbs, or 30 lbs, or sometimes 50 lbs of children you should get double credit for your steps. Maybe someone can work on that?
Did you see that the 2017 Blessed is She Planner is available for pre-order? When the first planner was released it sold out in a week. You can enter the giveaway I'm doing! But if you really want one you'd better scoot on over to
Grace posted a couple weeks ago about high-waisted jeans. It helped me realize some thoughts I had already been forming about pants and postpartum bodies and muffin tops. So I used a birthday gift card to try these from the Gap. I'm sold!! It's mom jeans for me from here on out.
Thank you to my friend Shea for telling me to watch Newsroom! I love it! So much dialogue, so good for knitting. I guess I'm just an Aaron Sorkin girl.
Happy Friday, Friends!
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