Being the slightly type-A personality that I am, I love planners. I love putting all of my to-do's and commitments into nice organized rows and boxes and seeing my life spread out before me weeks or months in advance. It fills me with delight.
I have always been a Moleskine planner girl, ever since I was in high school. I've never even bothered with any other type of planner, not unless you count the year I tried to use the calendar on my phone. That lasted all of one month. So when I heard that Blessed is She was putting out a planner designed around the liturgical calendar I thought, "that's nice, but I'll just stick with my Moleskine."
Well, through the generosity of another individual the Blessed is She planner was made available to me, so I thought I'd try it out. And oh my friends. This. Planner.
I have never loved a planner so much. It has everything I need: monthly views, weekly views, places for lists, goals, feast days, prayers, and my very favorite is the meal planning space. I always make a meal plan for the week, but it's usually on a little scrap of paper that I've found lying around, and I almost always lose it. The result being I can't remember what I bought certain grocery items for and I'm still scrambling to figure out dinner.
Practicality and organization aside, this planner is also very very beautiful. It feels like a mini vacation just to sit and write in it. At least it does for me. I even managed to escape to a coffee shop by myself when mine arrived so that I could dive into it and start filling things in without being interrupted. Luxury! When I'm at home I have been very careful to hide it when not using it, because I think if Johnny got his hands on it I would probably cry.
Anyway. I'm totally sold. I hope Jenna and Erica keep making them forever because I don't see how I could ever go back.
Because I love it so, and because someone was so nice as to bestow one upon me, I'd like to pay it forward and bestow one on one of you, my dear readers. Visit the
UPDATE: Congrats to Jill on winning! I just sent you an email.
a Rafflecopter giveaway