linking up with Kelly for some quick takes.
Hi! How are you doing? Did you survive the holidays? I'm only now beginning to to feel like we've stepped off the crazy Christmas carousel. The dust is settling, and we're getting ready for the start of Alex's next semester and regular life to resume.
But it was a great Christmas. Here are some highlights!
When I was a kid my mom would get me and my siblings an ornament every year for Christmas. The ornaments were reflective of our personalities, or things we had done that year. Some of mine include piano and violin ornaments, glass candy canes (I loved them as a kid), and a horse (yup, I went through a horse phase). Alex's family had a similar tradition. The result was that when we got married we already had a nice collection of ornaments for our tree.
I decided I'd like to carry on this tradition with my own kids. Johnny's first year he got a little green "sweet pea" ornament. Last year I got him a bus, because he was (and still is) really into buses. This year I wanted to get him a Curious George ornament, but they are really expensive! He also really likes ketchup. Like, really. We use ketchup to get him to try new foods. So when I saw this ornament at Target I knew it was the one.
I had a hard time finding any "baby's first Christmas" type of ornaments that I liked this year, so I had to get creative for Trixie's first ornament. My favorite local gift shop had this frame ornament. I decided to put a picture of Trixie just moments after she was born in it. And I just love it. I think it was my favorite gift that I gave this year.
I got some wool socks
for Christmas. One question: how have I lived in Minnesota my entire life and never owned wool socks before? What a game changer in the quest for warm toes. To all my dear friends in the North. If you haven't tried them yet, you don't know what you're missing.
I dressed my kids in matching clothes.
On Christmas Eve.
And I'm not going to apologize for it.
One of my December projects was Trixie's stocking. I got it done in time and now we all have homemade stockings.
Alex made this recipe for our Christmas morning treat. I always get a knot of dread in my stomach when he wants to make a yeast bread on a holiday because they are complicated and take a long time, and the days are already busy enough. But he really wanted to make this, and I'm glad he did because it was awesome! And so pretty.
My little brother got Johnny a pair of Chuck Taylors. Johnny got a lot of really great gifts, but this one was special to me, I think because it was totally unexpected. On Alex's side there are a lot of grandchildren and we have a name draw system, so ever kid ends up with a few gifts. On my side our kids are the only grandchildren, so there's no name drawing yet. I certainly don't expect each of my siblings to get something for my kids (but they did anyway), especially not my 20 year old brother. I just didn't think buying a gift for a toddler would have crossed his mind. But it did. And it was a gift that totally screams my brother, and becomes Johnny very well.
A few more pictures from our Christmas. Enjoy!
keep in touch!